Vivek Ramaswamy vs. Stefan Urquelle: Let Them Fight
The Online Right Are Civil Warring On Twitter And I Fucking Love It
Going back to early civilization, philosophers and scholars have debated the moral standing of schadenfreude, or delighting in the misfortune of others. While some consider the emotion to be a natural and morally-neutral human tendency, many others consider it to be inherently wrong. From Confucius to Hume to Nietzsche, some of history’s greatest thinkers have spoken out against this sort of vicarious pleasure. But all of those guys are fucking morons because schadenfreude kicks total ass!
For what feels like my entire goddamn life, I have been hearing right wingers from Fox News to whiney online nazis to full-on GOP elected officials decry “identity politics” - casting it first and foremost as exclusively the provenance of the left, and something they stand staunchly against. “The left uses identity politics to pit Americans against each other, creating divisions where there needn’t be any, all in the name of gaining political power” pronounced Tucker Carlson. “The left’s obsession with identity politics destroys the unity of a nation by reducing every individual to their race, gender, or sexuality, rather than seeing them as a whole person“ squealed Ben Shapiro in his hallmark nasally and fearful pitch. These are just a couple quotes from literally tens of thousands that are out there, and if you’ve lived in this country for the past decade, you have probably heard many of them already. So yeah, forgive me if I go a little schadenfreude-mode as the *exact phenomenon these shitheads have been describing* completely splits the online right in half, leaving them scratching and biting each other to decide which race deserves the next open jr. engineering role at or Blumpr. Lol. Lmao, even. I’m enjoying this all immensely - and you should, too.