One Last "Fuck You" For The Road
The Biden Administration Was The Best Democrat White House Of My Lifetime. It Still Sucked Until The Very End.
Well, today is the first day of the new, GOP-controlled Senate and Congress, and thus the end of the road for any semblance of Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. In most ways, he was the best president of my lifetime - he had some pretty good macroeconomic management post-pandemic, his FTC has done some great work reigning in corporate America, he pulled us out of Afghanistan even though it made everyone in DC throw up and shit themselves, and he cancelled a lot of student debt. But like nearly every president that has ever existed, he fucking sucked, the people around him sucked, and I hope they all get kicked in the head by a runaway horse like Sheriff Bullock’s horrid little nephew-son on Deadwood. These people sleepwalked us into oblivion - completely high on their own shit and totally unwilling to accept any responsibility for the world they have left us. We were told that fascists were at the door (your donation is needed!!!) and only they can keep us from descending into a right-wing nazi-dom. But when the doorbell rang, they flung it open with hugs and fresh-baked pie at the ready, excited to welcome the fascists into the lovely home they now own.
A post that particularly stuck with me in the days after the November election was one from Brandon Friedman, a former Obama guy who likes to style himself as independent from the ossified DNC-blob but respects power far too much to actually achieve that:
I think this post, as hilariously naive as it was, serves as a great prism through which we can analyze the post-election moves from the current Dem leadership. What exactly did they do to protect us from the fascism they assured us the Trump GOP was bringing to America? What have they spent the past two months doing? And what does that tell us about the way they will run the party when out of power? This is far from a complete list (so please save us your squawking), but here are some of the most high-profile things our increasingly-senile president and his court advisors have done since November 5th: